Can A Volkswagen Be Stolen? 5 Things You Need To Know

Can a Volkswagen be stolen

Volkswagens are known for their safety and security features, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to theft. In this article, we’ll take a look at how Volkswagens are stolen, the types of security features that are available, and what you can do to protect your Volkswagen from theft.

So Can Volkswagen Be Stolen?

1. Volkswagens are a popular target for thieves because they are easy to steal.
2. Thieves can use a variety of methods to steal a Volkswagen, including keyless entry hacking, hotwiring, and tow truck theft.
3. There are a number of things you can do to protect your Volkswagen from being stolen, including installing an alarm system, using a steering wheel lock, and parking in a well-lit area.
4. If your Volkswagen is stolen, you should contact the police immediately.
5. The National Insurance Crime Bureau offers a number of resources to help you protect your vehicle from theft.

Can a Volkswagen be stolen?

Yes, Volkswagens can be stolen

Just like any other car, Volkswagens can be stolen. There are a number of factors that make Volkswagens attractive to thieves, including their popularity, their value, and their ease of theft.

What makes Volkswagens attractive to thieves?


Volkswagens are some of the most popular cars on the road, which makes them a target for thieves. Thieves know that there is a high demand for Volkswagens, so they are more likely to be stolen in order to be sold for a profit.


Volkswagens are also relatively valuable cars, which makes them a target for thieves. Thieves know that they can get a good price for a stolen Volkswagen, so they are more likely to target these cars.

Ease of theft:

Volkswagens are also relatively easy to steal. They are often equipped with keyless entry systems, which can be easily bypassed by thieves. Additionally, Volkswagens often have a number of other security features that are not as effective as they could be, making them easier to steal.

How can you protect your Volkswagen from being stolen?

There are a number of things you can do to protect your Volkswagen from being stolen. These include:

Install a security system:

A security system is one of the best ways to protect your Volkswagen from being stolen. A security system will deter thieves and make it more difficult for them to steal your car.

Use a steering wheel lock:

A steering wheel lock is another effective way to deter thieves. A steering wheel lock makes it impossible for thieves to drive your car away, even if they are able to break into it.

Hide your valuables:

Thieves are more likely to target cars that they believe contain valuables. If you have valuables in your car, make sure to hide them out of sight.

Be aware of your surroundings:

When you are parked, be aware of your surroundings and make sure that you are not leaving your car in a vulnerable location. If you see anything suspicious, report it to the authorities.


Volkswagens can be stolen, but there are a number of things you can do to protect your car from being targeted by thieves. By taking these precautions, you can help to keep your Volkswagen safe.

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Can a Volkswagen be stolen?

Yes, Volkswagens can be stolen. However, they are not as commonly stolen as other makes of car. In 2020, Volkswagens accounted for only 2.5% of all stolen vehicles in the United States.

What are the most common ways to steal a Volkswagen?

The most common ways to steal a Volkswagen are:

Keyless entry theft: This is the most common way to steal a Volkswagen. Thieves use a device called a relay box to amplify the signal from your key fob and unlock your car without having the physical key.
Drive-away theft: This is when a thief gets into your car while it is running and drives away.
Hotwiring: This is when a thief uses a tool to bypass the ignition system and start the car.

How can I protect my Volkswagen from being stolen?

There are a number of things you can do to protect your Volkswagen from being stolen, including:

Installing a car alarm
Using a steering wheel lock
Installing a kill switch
Parking in a well-lit area
Not leaving your keys in the car
Keeping your car doors locked

What should I do if my Volkswagen is stolen?

If your Volkswagen is stolen, you should immediately call the police. You should also report the theft to your insurance company.

How much does it cost to replace a stolen Volkswagen?

The cost of replacing a stolen Volkswagen will depend on the make, model, and year of the car. The average cost of replacing a stolen car is around $30,000.

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